Cyrus Console-Soican, Ph.D.
Professor of Liberal Arts
Cyrus Console-Soican is the author of Brief Under Water (Burning Deck, 2008), for which he received a Fund for Poetry award, The Odicy (Omnidawn, 2011), and Romanian Notebook (FSG, 2017). He holds a B.S. degree in organismal biology from the University of Kansas, an M.F.A. degree in writing from the Milton Avery Graduate School of Arts at Bard College, and a Ph.D. in literature and creative writing from the University of Kansas. He is Professor of Creative Writing at Kansas City Art Institute. Recent poetry has appeared in Brick, Critical Quarterly, Harper’s, The New York Review of Books, and The Paris Review. His third book of poetry, The Wayfarer, will be published in fall 2024.